When we head out on the road to conduct focus groups or other research, our main goal is to make sure our clients are happy and have the insights they need. And yet, we realize that we are working with a collection of individuals who are sharing their time and ideas for the benefit of our clients. We hope that it is a positive experience for the participants as well.
We recently received this email from one of our focus group participants:
“I’ve participated in several focus groups over the past few years, and I have to say that yesterday’s was one of the most enjoyable. I appreciated that it was very low-key, relaxed, and open. It was easy to share opinions and discuss ideas about the product. I also appreciated that we dove right in – by talking a little bit about our fitness lifestyle (something that related to the product), as opposed to everyone introducing themselves with the usual “what’s your name/where do you work/where are you from/who do you live with/etc” that has proceeded almost every other focus group I’ve done. I also think you did a great job with keeping everyone’s interest, especially given the late time of the session! It was straight to the point and didn’t involve drawing pictures, making collages, and other exercises I’ve had to do in the past – which sometimes makes it seem like everyone is back in grade school.”
Our work can be tiring both physically and emotionally, so it means a lot to know that we are having a positive impact on those who join us.